Sync MYOB Exo & Shopify for B2C/B2B eCommerce

Sync MYOB Exo & Shopify for B2C/B2B eCommerce

Sync your MYOB Exo ERP back-end with your Shopify store for a seamless eCommerce experience. Sync inventory, automate orders, and enable custom pricing for B2B customers.

Sync your MYOB Exo ERP back-end with your Shopify store for a seamless eCommerce experience. Sync inventory, automate orders, and enable custom pricing for B2B customers.

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Why Choose Our MYOB Exo + Shopify Integration?

Others have gone before us and tried to create 3rd party solutions to link MYOB Exo to their own custom eCommerce platforms. The problem is that they all end up producing stale websites that simply don’t do your business justice.

Your business deserves better - and so do your customers.

That’s why we’ve developed the MYOB Exo to Shopify connector, allowing you to integrate your back-end system with a modern, professional, and fully-customisable Shopify store. The responsive web design will give your customers a seamless experience no matter what device they browse your store with.

Custom B2B Pricing

Cater to your unique B2B customers with ease. Our integration allows you to display tiered and unique pricing from Unleashed directly on your Shopify store, providing a seamless and personalized experience.

Eliminate Manual Data Entry

Say goodbye to tedious double-entry and costly errors. Our integration automatically syncs inventory, products, pricing, and orders between Unleashed and Shopify, freeing up valuable time for your team

Real-Time Inventory Accuracy

Keep your stock levels perfectly synchronized across all channels. Ensure accurate product availability on your Shopify store, preventing overselling and reducing the risk of stockouts.

Streamlined Order Processing

Simplify order fulfillment and reduce manual intervention. Orders placed on your Shopify store are automatically sent to Unleashed, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Deliver a seamless shopping experience for both retail and B2B customers. Our integration ensures consistent pricing, accurate inventory information, and smooth order processing, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

"I am happy to recommend the good work of CyberWorkshop in the app customised to our business needs. I enjoyed running the various use case scenarios of the MYOB EXO ERP with them and the insights provided by them on the journey. UAT and Launch day tests/implementation were also well supported."

Caruso's Natural Health

Maria Jospeh Abraham — Digital Project Manager/Product Owner


Talk to a Shopify Expert today

To us, you aren’t a customer—you’re a partner, whether you’re a commerce genius or brand new to the online world. We’ll make your website beautiful, functional, and above all, something you’re proud to show your customers